Tuesday, March 27, 2012

prevent, protect and prosper

As sure as Spring is the time for blossoming life (think flowers, babies, puppies, etc.), it is also a time for feeling and looking renewed and fresh; you know, youthful looking. You'll wear less makeup, spend more time outdoors and maybe stay out a little later. Are you doing what it takes to keep skin fresh season to season? Review your skincare routine to see. If not, here are a few easy-to-incorporate steps that will help:

Slather on sunblock! Even when the sun is not shining bright, UVA rays are still lurking about. Coola sunblocks incorporate a unique method of independently suspending titanium dioxide and zinc oxide actives in an organic ultra-moisturizing base, making suncare super-nourishing and easier than ever.
Fade signs of aging (i.e., fine lines and dark spots) with a multi-fruit acid complex like in dollface nourishing night creme that helps slough off dull, dead skin and renew. Also, use eye creme, preferably one with antioxidants and brightening ingredients (eyebright and ginko)–like
in brighteyes co-Q10 eye creme supreme–to decrease the appearance of dark circles.

Schedule an appointment for your skincare review or click here to replenish your products.

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